Therefore With Joy

Therefore with Joy
Isaiah 12:3-4

Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation.
And in that day shall ye say, Praise the Lord

Before Hillsong, there was Scripture in Song. In 1970 they released their first LP, Thou art Worthy. When I was doing my Guinness World Record stunt in 1973, I had folk talking to me about the records, though it wasn't till mid-1975 that I fell in love with so many of the choruses, prophetic lines of scripture.

This song, Therefore with Joy, I remember being at a prayer meeting one evening in a little Catholic Church in Ayr, with about a dozen people, real presence of the Lord moment, and suddenly this dear Catholic lady started singing this song, unaccompanied, clear soprano, and I'm just buzzing with God's presence, thank you Lord, I thought these worshipful Catholic nuns, ladies, men, they really know their stuff.


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