Septuagint, see Genesis 5 and Genesis 11:10-24

ErrorSeptuagint Gap between Births
Adam 100230
Seth 100205
Enos 100190
Cainan 100170
Mahal 100165
Jared 0162
Enoch 100165
Methuselah -20167
Lamech 6188
Noah 0502
Shem 0100
Arphaxad 100135
Cainan 130130
Salah 100130
Heber 100134
Peleg 100130
Ragau 100132
Seruch 100130
*Nahor 150179
Adds an additional 586 years to Noah + 880 years to Abraham = 1466 extra years

**Plus 8 years added to the birth year of Jesus by Panodorus in Ethiopia, causing 9 AD our time to become 1 AD

Total = 1474 extra years

Combined with the Jewish discrepancy of 258 years, the current Ethiopian year of 7516 AM in 2023-2024 becomes 1732 years more than the Hebrew year of 5784 AM.

Note, there are three shortages in the Jewish calendar totalling 258 years
60 years in the life of Terah before the birth of Abraham, 94 enslaved years at the time of the Judges, and 104 years between the deaths (the "cutting off") of Bar Kokhba (the later false messiah) in 135 AD and Jesus (the earlier true messiah) in 31 AD as prophesied in Daniel. *Some copies of the Septuagint show 79. In the Chronicon published by Hippolytus in 234, it shows Nahor as being 79 when Terah was born, reducing the 1466 year discrepancy by 100. It also followed the Jewish calendar in having 60 fewer years before the birth of Abraham, meaning that when Abraham came to Canaan at the age of 75 his father was still alive, contradicting Acts 7:4. His overall shortage of 160 years was mostly countered in the Chronicon by his additional years in the length of the Babylon and Persian empires. **Secondly, Panodorus's notes were adjusted by Annianus with his aim to establish a series of 532 year cycles for Easter, starting at Creation on 25th March 5492 BC, the Incarnation in the 5500th year (8 AD), and the Resurrection (42 AD). All three events happened according to his initial tables, on Sunday 25th March. Accordingly the 12th 532 year cycle commenced also on Sunday 25th March in the year 361.
  1. 361 AD
  2. 172 BC
  3. 704 BC
  4. 1236 BC
  5. 1768 BC
  6. 2300 BC
  7. 2832 BC
  8. 3364 BC
  9. 3896 BC
  10. 4428 BC
  11. 4960 BC
  12. 5492 BC
Note there is no evidence of a Sabbath day in Israel prior to Manna in Exodus 16

** End of Report